M/S MAN Enterprise construction the water treatment plant (WTP) as per the following process:
1. Raw Water Reservoir
2. Final Water Reservoir
3. Aeration Pump
4. Aeration Tower with cascade tray
5. Sand filtration Unit
6. Dosing Unit for coagulation system
7. Settling tank
8. Feed Pump
9. Back Wash Pump
10. Chlorination Unit
11. Pre Filter
12. Multimedia Filter (Iron removal unit)
13. Carbon Filter (De-chlorination unit)
14. Water softener (Softening unt)
15. Water Polisher (Micron or cartridge filter)
16. Anti scalene Unit
17. Reverse Osmosis or desalination unit
18. UV Sterilizer
19. Absolute Filter (0.2 micron or less)
20. Distillation plan (Multi column)
M/S MAN Enterprise supply the following tems for water treatment plant (WTP):
1. Micron Filter
2. Carbon Filter
3. Cartridge House
4. Pressure Vessel of different materials
5. Multiport value for water softener (Auto & Manual)
6. Multiport Valve for Carbon Filter & Multimedia Filter
7. High Pressure Pump (HPP) of different materials
8. R/O Membrane
9. Membrane house of different capacity
10. UV Sterilizer of different capacity
11. UV Lamp of different power
12. UV House (Both PVC and stainless Steel)
13. UV House (Both PVC and stainless steel)
1 Sediment filter of different size
2. Carbon filter of different size
3. Test & order filter of different size
4. Different Cartridge house with connector
5. Circuit, Relay and different controlled valve
6. R/O Membrane of different capaciy
7. Membrane house bothe SS nad FRP
8. HPP with adptor of different size
9. UV lamp and quartz of different size
10. Pressure Tank of different volume with faucet tab
11. UV Housing
12. UV Controller